The Thing

There is no way Blair could have contracted the Thing’s cells during his autopsy of the Kennel-Thing. If you watch the scene with close attention you’ll see the shadow of his eraser does not connect with the flesh of the Kennel-Thing. From the viewer’s perspective it seems as though it does, but in actuality the shadow of the eraser upon the Thing’s flesh does not connect with the actual eraser, and therefore the same eraser he poses to his lips mere seconds later has not had any cross-contamination. As scenario one is highly unlikely because why would the Thing wish for complete isolation if it had the opportunity to assimilate each person one-by-one? Scenario two is the only logical conclusion. Clark touched the Kennel-Thing’s fur as soon as it entered camp and Lars was dead and he was proven innocent based on MacReady’s blood test. Based on that evidence, Blair could not have contracted any cells from the Thing if his eraser did in fact touch the flesh of the Kennel-Thing because Clark was not infected by touching the fur of the Kennel-Thing.DaneEnvy (talk) 11:26, November 12, 2012 (UTC)DaneEnvy

However a drop of blood could have gotten on his skinMaster Plaga (talk) 23:02, January 22, 2013 (UTC)

In the Main Page it states his shirt went from yellow to white actually the white shirt is an undershirt he had on the whole time. It can be easily explained that he simply took of his outer shirt.