The "infection system" was an innovative game mechanic implemented in the 2002 video game The Thing.
The infection system which determines whether or not an NPC is infected by the Thing. Although most NPCs are scripted to transform into a Thing at specific points in the game, they can also be infected at any time prior to this. When the team comes under attack by enemies, the possibility of infection is based upon a probability system whereby any teammate who comes into direct contact with an enemy can be infected. Although infection does not alter their behavior, it will quickly result in them turning into a Thing.
The infection system also follows the rules of the film, whereby an infected squad member won't reveal himself and will even attack other Things so as to not blow his cover. A specific example: at the Strata Medical Laboratory, if Blake goes to Thing-infested areas with just Carter instead of more squadmates and fights The Thing, Carter will usually reveal himself as an imitation quickly, whereas he won't if there are more squadmates nearby, proving that The Thing in the game is programmed to not reveal itself when in a large group. For instance, Carter will reveal himself if alone with Blake and Stanmore, after Stanmore bursts. If in a group, he won't. He will even kill Stanmore with flame weaponry if its given to him, so as to not blow his cover.
Technical limitations and criticism []
Although the infection mechanics and burst-out animations were praised and considered innovative, the game was criticized for the scripted nature of the infection system. Although most NPCs could become infected and turn by being attacked heavily by The Thing, most were scripted so that the game didn't overload with NPCs as the player progressed. Blood testing an NPC only for it to become infected after crossing a certain section of the level was heavily criticized. The developers were aware of this, and said the following in an interview :
- "One of the original ideas was that the player would take every surviving non-player character they encountered to the end of the game. 'That was of course very naïve as it caused huge problems with the squad command menu and dynamically balancing the encounters and resources required for the NPC.' says Curtis. The compromise the team implemented was to remove certain NPCs at scripted moments and this led to even more complications, as we shall discover shortly. (...)
- "NPCs could be infected in battles with the aliens or by being left alone with an infected squad member,' explains Curtis, 'but sometimes we had to script an infection to remove an NPC from play due to technical and design constraints.' Curtis admits this was a 'big mistake' with many players inevitably feeling cheated as fellow soldiers, tested moments earlier and proven genuinely human, could suddenly sprout more tentacles than a Japanese restaurant and attack the player. Diarmid Campbell also recalls the conflicting infection concept."
According to developer Andrew Curtins, this problem would have been solved in the canceled sequel, known as The Thing II:
- "Sadly, The Thing 2 never progressed much past a proof of concept demo that focused on the team's determination to solve the scripted infection issue."
Infected NPCs[]
The following NPCs become or can become infected in the 2002 video game:
- Carter (Engineer): Succumbs to the infection during the blood test with Pierce.
- Cruz: Succumbs to the infection during the blood test with Pierce.
- Pace: Succumbs to the infection.
- Williams: Succumbs to the infection.
- Pierce: Becomes infected, and commits suicide to prevent being taken over.
- Collins: Succumbs to the infection.
- Price: Can succumb to the infection if coming into contact too much with The Thing.
- Parnevik: Already infected when encountered.
- Falchek: Succumbs to the infection.
- Dixon: Can succumb to the infection if coming into contact too much with The Thing.
- Carter (Soldier): If recruited and taken away from the bursting script point immediately, not infected when tested; succumbs to the infection when taken past the point where he's first encountered.
- Fisk: Can succumb to the infection if coming into contact too much with The Thing.
- Stanmore: Not infected when tested at first, but succumbs to the infection immediately when taken out of his cell.
- Temple: Can succumb to the infection if coming into contact too much with The Thing.
- Lavelle: Can succumb to the infection if coming into contact too much with The Thing.
- Guy : Not infected at first (proof of this is that he can be headshot with a Sniper Rifle from afar and decapitated like an uninfected human); but succumbs to the infection immediately when approaching him, so he's impossible to blood test if approached.
- Powell: Can succumb to the infection if coming into contact too much with The Thing.
- Cohen: Can succumb to the infection if coming into contact too much with The Thing.
- Ryan : Already infected when encountered.
- Stolls : Succumbs to the infection.
- Austin: Can bleed out to death or be killed by gunfire after he locks himself in the lab, so not infected at first, although story-wise he's supposed to be already an Imitation. Will burst out almost immediately if approached instead of bleeding out.
- Peltola: Can succumb to the infection if coming into contact too much with The Thing.
The following NPCs are already infected in the game's storyline, but test negative when a blood test is performed if they are recruited by the player using glitches, cheats or mods: