Fisk was a Soldier and test subject incarcerated at the Strata Medical Laboratory in Antarctica.
Fisk was found imprisoned in one of the holding cells at Strata Medical Laboratory, where he was being experimented on by Gen Inc as a test subject, Fisk aided Blake in escaping the facility through the furnace room and tunnel system, alongside Falchek and Dixon, as well as disposing of the Imitation Stanmore. He disappeared once Blake and his team proceeded further into the Strata Furnace facility by taking the elevator. His fate is unknown, but he was mostly likely killed either by The Thing at some point or by the bomb left by Whitley.
- By examining the game files, Fisk is shown as being listed to continue on to the Strata Furnace level along with Falchek and Dixon, but somehow disappears instead, probably due to a bug. This was fixed in the Remastered version.
- Fisk's cutscene, where he tells Blake about the switches, will not play if the player already knows the combination (on, off, off, on) and deactivates the lasers. You're supposed to send a squad mate to rescue Fisk by examining the cells with the sniper CCTV and using the "Go To" option to Cell 6. Fisk then gets rescued and follows back to the laser grid area. This is the correct way the developers intended to solve the puzzle. However, you can still have the cutscene play by turning the switches back on with Fisk nearby.
- By examining the game files in the "english.pak" folder, the files "" (Animations folder) and "L06Ct64Full.ogg" (Sound folder) are found. These files serve to construct the above cutscene, where Fisk tells Blake the code. However, it appears this scene was originally meant for a cut character, Ryder, who would've appeared in Carter's place. It's unknown why Ryder's voice lines are played while Fisk's character model is used to render Ryder's animations in the cutscene, but presumably Ryder's role in the game was merged with Fisk's due to budget and/or time constraints. This was however fixed in the The Thing: Remastered game. Fisk offically takes Ryder's place in that version, also the games objectives changed with that.
- Surprisingly enough, Fisk's head is used for one of the Things stored in the formaldehyde tanks Whitley examines in the Strata Medical Laboratory.
- Fisk can become a Thing if sufficiently exposed to Scuttler attacks. He has a burst-out Assimilant model that is shared with Parnevik. It is not finished, since it features clipping and missing sections in the neck. Also, just like Parnevik's, the model will glitch at a distance, with the head completely disappearing.

The Fisk head-Thing.

The Fisk-Thing. Notice the missing clipping sections in the neck.