The Thing

The Blood Test Thing was a simple, yet autonomous Thing, formed from blood extracted from the Palmer-Thing. The creature appeared in the 1982 film The Thing.


In a bid to determine the identity of the remaining crew of U.S. Outpost 31, R.J. MacReady developed a rudimentary blood-test involving a heated copper wire and samples taken from the men. Noticing how every part of the Norris-Thing had an instinctive desire to survive, MacReady realized that a creature's blood would attempt to flee from a hot needle. Dipping the heated wire into the petri dish containing Palmer's blood, the organism unexpectedly reacted, jumping out of the dish with a high pitched shriek. Shocked, MacReady dropped the sample to the ground, where it promptly liquefied and fled, presumably back to its source, Palmer-Thing.


It's unknown what happened to blood test thing, there can be a possibility it either fled somewhere else, or entered back into Palmer-Thing's body. If applied to former, it could be possible it was destroyed when MacReady, Garry and Nauls were destroying the station. If applied to later, it could enter back into Palmer-Thing as it itself is unable to do much threat to humans and will go back to host to become one with them.

